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Endocrine-disrupting chemicals in the coastal sediments in Japan 
Nakamura, Y; Tanaka, Y; Yasui, M 
Battelle Press 
Columbus, OH 
Characterization of Contaminated Sediments: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Remediation of Contaminated Sediments 
The Ports and Harbors Bureau of Japan and the Ecology-Mobility Foundation of Japan conducted field surveys on sediment contamination by endocrine-disrupting chemicals, including dioxins and coplanar PCBs. Through analysis of the two surveys, characteristics of pollution have been revealed. Most endocrine-disrupting chemicals are distributed regularly, with the highest concentration in the innermost parts and lower concentrations in the outer parts of the ports. Historically, dioxin contamination started around 1950 and peaked in the 1970s, during which time a major source of dioxins was identified as paddy-field herbicides. The concentration has decreased since the 1970s, but the contribution of combustion is still increasing. 
Pellei, M; Porta, A; Hinchee, RE 
1st International Conference on Remediation of Contaminated Sediments 
Venice, Italy 
October 10-12, 2001 
• PCBs
          LitSearch August 2015