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Journal Article 
Range-finding toxicity data: List IV 
Smyth, HF, Jr; Carpenter, CP; Weil, CS 
AMA Archives of Industrial Hygiene and Occupational Medicine
ISSN: 0096-6703 
The toxicity of 92 commercially used chemicals was determined in rabbits and rats. Minimum and maximum dose concentrations for oral toxicity, skin penetration, vapor inhalation, and skin and eye irritation were found. Single oral dose toxicity for rats after 14 days ranged from 0.089 milligrams per kilograms (mg/kg) for 1,4-dichloro-2-butene (31423924) to 22.8mg/kg for 1,3-butanediol (25265752). Penetration of rabbit skin was not measurable in some chemicals, but as high as 17.3 milliliters per kilogram for tetrahydronaphthalene (119642). Lowest daily subacute dose ranged from trace amounts of acrolein (107028) to 10.3 grams per kilogram (gm/kg) tetrabutyl-thiodisuccinate (10042894). Trace amounts of aldol (107891) reduced growth; 5.33gm/kg dichloral-urea reduced appetite. Trace amounts of aldol allyl-alcohol and 2.92gm/kg di(2)-ethylhexyl)-adipate (103231) altered liver or kidney weight; trace amounts of 15 chemicals and 10.3gm/kg tetrabutyl-thiodisuccinate produced microscopic lesions; trace amounts of monoisopropanolamine (78966) and 10.3gm/kg tetrabutyl-thiodisuccinate caused death. The authors recommend changing the rabbit eye injury test as it exaggerates the hazard from certain materials, adding some expression for the rate of healing, and dropping the microscopic study of tissues from the subacute dosesseries since the technique is not sufficiently sensitive to justify its cost. 
Humans; Occupational Health; industrial hygiene 
• n-Butanol
     Additional Strategies
     Source – January 2013 (private)
          Additional strategies - 1/2013
          Merged reference set - 1/2013
     Sources of Health Effects Data
          Animal health effects studies
     • Cited 2016 Public Comment Draft
          Supplementary Materials
• Dibutyl sebacate
     Literature Search
          Human Health
               Additional strategies (private)
     Full-text Review
          Human Health
     Data Evaluation
          Human Health
     Targeted Analog Citations (private)
          Health Effects (private)
• Malonates
     Literature Search
          Human Health
               Additional strategies (private)
     Full-text Review
          Human Health
     Data Evaluation
          Human Health
     Targeted Analog Citations (private)
          Heath Effects (private)