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Journal Article 
Perfluoroalkyl substances and cognitive function in older adults: Should we consider non-monotonic dose-responses and chronic kidney disease? 
Park, SK; Ding, N; Han, D 
Environmental Research
ISSN: 0013-9351
EISSN: 1096-0953 
Although potential neurotoxicity of perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) is suggested, previous epidemiologic studies have reported a 'protective' association between serum PFAS concentration and cognition function. Poor outcome assessment, residual confounding, non-monotonic dose-responses (NMDRs), and the role of reduced kidney function in PFAS excretion may be alternative explanations of these findings. 
Cognitive function; Confounding; Kidney function; Non-monotonic dose-responses; per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances 
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