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Journal Article 
Nitrogen saturation in temperate forest ecosystems: Hypotheses revisited 
Aber, J; McDowell, W; Nadelhoffer, K; Magill, A; Berntson, G; Kamakea, M; McNulty, S; Currie, W; Rustad, L; Fernandez, I 
ISSN: 0006-3568
EISSN: 1525-3244 
Nitrogen emissions to the atmosphere due to human activity remain elevated in industrialized regions of the world and are accelerating in many developing regions (Galloway 1995). Although the deposition of sulfur has been reduced over much of the United States and Europe by aggressive environmental protection policies, current nitrogen deposition reduction targets in the US are modest. Nitrogen deposition remains relatively constant in the northeastern United States and is increasing in the Southeast and the West (Fenn et al. in press). 
• ISA-Lead (2013 Final Project Page)
• ISA-NOx (2016)
     2008 Final
• ISA NOxSOxPM Ecology (2018)
     Cited in First Draft
          Chapter 4
          Chapter 6
          Chapter 13
          Appendix C: Case Studies
     Cited in the Second Draft
          Appendix 4
          Appendix 6
          Appendix 13
• ISA NOxSOxPM Ecology (2020- Final Project Page)
          Appendix 4
          Appendix 6
          Appendix 13
• ISA-Ozone (2013 Final Project Page)