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Journal Article 
Behavior of mice after pre- and postnatal exposure to Arochlor 1254 
Storm, JE; Hart, JL; Smith, RF 
Neurobehavioral Toxicology and Teratology
ISSN: 0275-1380 
is related to other part(s) 5024163 [Email to Dr. Laura Carlson regarding study evaluation details on Storm et al. 1981]
Female mice were mice were maintained on a diet containing 0, 11 or 82 ppm of Arochlor 1254, a mixture of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), beginning three days prior to mating and continuing until their litters were weaned at 21 days of age. The offspring were then maintained on the same diet to which their mothers had been exposed. PCB exposure had no effect on the ability of mice to learn an avoidance response. However, measures of response latency indicated a significant interaction between diet and latency to make an avoidance response, with PCB exposed mice showing increased latency early in training. Measures of activity in the open field indicated a significant interaction between diet and activity measured per five minute period, with decreases in activity over time occurring more slowly in PCB exposed mice. 
avoidance learning; behavior; intrauterine exposure 
• Formaldehyde
     Reproductive and Developmental Effects
                    Not formaldehyde
     Retroactive RIS import
               FA DevRepro 072115
                    Not FA-Exposure Criteria
                         Not FA-Exposure Criteria
• PCBs
     Hazard ID: Toxicological evidence
          LitSearch August 2015
     Cited (Nov 2012)
     Seed References
• PCBs Tox Hazard ID
     Health Effects