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Technical Report 
Potential effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on the health of children 
Damstra, T 
International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) 
During the last decades, there has been growing concern in scientific circles about adverse effects that may result from exposure to certain chemicals that have the potential to alter the normal functioning of the endocrine system in animals and humans. Of particular concern is the observation that very small differences in hormone exposures or hormonal function during a critical stage of development can result in adverse effects, which sometimes are irreversible. It has been hypothesized that foetal and early childhood exposures to certain endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) may contribute to an increasing incidence of hypospadias and cryptorchidism, decreased semen quality, neurobehavioural disorders, alterations in the onset of puberty and testicular and breast cancer. This review article summarizes the potential effects of exposure to EDCs in children. 
children; endocrine effects; harmful substances; health hazards; breast cancer; dibenzofurans; dioxins; embryotoxic effects; flame retardants; fungicides; genito-urinary system diseases; herbicides; hormones; insecticides; literature survey; metals; neurotoxic effects; phenols; phthalates; polychlorinated biphenyls; spermatogenic disturbances; surfactants; testicular cancer; Occupational pathology; Industries and occupations; Periodical articles 
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