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Journal Article 
Trypanocidal activity of the compounds present in Aniba canelilla oil against Trypanosoma evansi and its effects on viability of lymphocytes 
Giongo, JL; Vaucher, RA; Da Silva, AS; Oliveira, CB; de Mattos, CB; Baldissera, MD; Sagrillo, MR; Monteiro, SG; Custódio, DL; Souza de Matos, M; Sampaio, PT; Teixeira, HF; Koester, LS; da Veiga Junior, VF 
Microbial Pathogenesis
ISSN: 0882-4010
EISSN: 1096-1208 
Aniba canelilla (H.B.K.) Mez, popularly known as "casca-preciosa" (precious bark), is a plant of the Lauraceae family, widely distributed in the Amazon region. Its major constituent is 1-nitro-2-phenylethane, a rare molecule in plants which is responsible for this plant's cinnamon scent. The present study aimed to report the chemical characterization of the oil extracted from Aniba canelilla using gas-chromatography/mass spectrometry and to assess its in vitro trypanocidal activity against Trypanosoma evansi, a prevalent haemoflagellate parasite that affects a broad range of mammal species in Africa, Asia and South America. The oil presented 1-nitro-2-phenylethane (83.68%) and methyleugenol (14.83%) as the two major components. The essential oil as well as both major compounds were shown to exert trypanocidal effect. Methyleugenol was slightly more active than 1-nitro-2-phenylethane. In vitro studies showed that the oil extracted from the stems of A. canelilla may be regarded as a potential natural treatment for trypanosomosis, once proven their in vivo action, may be an interesting alternative in the treatment of infected animals with T. evansi. 
• Ethylbenzene
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