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Technical Report 
EPA Report 
Framework for metals risk assessment 
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency :: U.S. EPA 
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 
Washington, DC 
EPA 120/R-07/001 
The Framework for Metals Risk Assessment, released on March 8, 2007, outlines key principles about metals and describes how they should be considered in conducting human health and ecological risk assessments. The Framework seeks to advance our understanding of the impact of metals in a consistent manner across the Agency's programs since inorganic metals and metal compounds present unique issues for risk assessors. This guidance is not a prescriptive manual on how any particular type of assessment should be conducted within EPA, but rather it outlines the key principles when considering metals and offers advice on how these principles can be considered in metals assessments. The Framework serves as a single, comprehensive, state-of-the-science reference source from which the different programs within the Agency can evaluate their own methods and practices for assessing metals, and revise or update as appropriate. The Framework also provides a basis from which EPA programs can assess the hazards and risks of metals in a manner that is more consistent with the current state-of-the-science of metals and with each other. External peer review of the Framework was conducted by EPA's Science Advisory Board (SAB) in February 2005, and their report to the Administrator was finalized in January 2006. 
• Arsenic (Inorganic)
     1. Literature
          Toxline, TSCATS, & DART
     2. Initial Filter
          Non peer-reviewed
• Inorganic Arsenic (7440-38-2) [Final 2025]
     1. Initial Lit Search
     3. Initial Filter through Oct 2015
          Non Peer-Reviewed
• Methylmercury
     ADME Search: Jan 1990 - Nov 2018
          Results with mercury
• ISA-Lead (2013 Final Project Page)
          1st Draft
          2nd Draft
          3rd Draft
          Aquatic Effects
          Terrestrial Effects
• ISA - Lead (2024 Final Project Page)
     Peer Consultation Workshop 5/2022
     Included in Peer Input Draft
          Appendix 11 (Ecological Effects)
     Included in External Review Draft
          Appendix 11 (Ecological Effects)
     Included in Final Draft
          Appendix 11 (Ecological Effects)
• ISA-PM (2009 Final Project Page)
     2009 Final