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Technical Report 
Overview of race and Hispanic origin: 2010 
Humes, KR; Jones, NA; Ramirez, RR 
U.S. Department of Commerce, Economics and Statistics Administration, U.S. Census Bureau 
Washington, DC 
2010 Census Briefs, C2010BR-02 
This report looks at our nation's changing racial and ethnic diversity. It is part of a series that analyzes population and housing data collected from the 2010 Census, and it provides a snapshot of race and Hispanic origin in the United States. Racial and ethnic population group distributions and growth at the national level and at lower levels of geography are presented. This report also provides an overview of race and ethnicity concepts and definitions used in the 2010 Census. The data for this report are based on the 2010 Census Redistricting Data (Public Law 94-171) Summary File, which is among the first 2010 Census data products to be released and is provided to each state for use in drawing boundaries for legislative districts. 
• ISA-Lead (2013 Final Project Page)
• ISA-NOx (2016)
          1st Draft
          2nd Draft
          Final Cited
     Cited in First ERD Nov2015