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Journal Article 
Effect of polymerization time on the molecular weight and molecular weight distribution of polypropylene 
Abedi, S; Hosseinzadeh, M; Kazemzadeh, MA; Daftari-Besheli, M 
Journal of Applied Polymer Science
ISSN: 0021-8995
EISSN: 1097-4628 
GPC studies showed that increasing the polymerisation time increased the number-average molecular weight, the weight-average molecular weight, molecular weight distribution (MWD) and relative MWD (the ratio of two MWDs in two consecutive periods of the polymerisation time) of PP in propylene polymerisation carried out using a magnesium diethoxide/diisobutyl phthalate (DIBP)/titanium tetrachloride/phenyl triethoxy silane (PTES)/triethylaluminium (TEA) catalyst system in the slurry phase. Magnesium diethoxide was the support, DIBP the internal donor, titanium tetrachloride the catalyst, PTES the external donor and TEA the cocatalyst. 20 refs. 
PP; Ziegler-Natta polymerization; GPC 
• Diisobutyl Phthalate (DIBP) Final
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