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Technical Report 
Preamble to the Constitution of the World Health Organization as adopted by the International Health Conference. New York, 19-22 June, 1946; signed on 22 July 1946 by the representatives of 61 States (Official Records of the World Health Organization, no. 2, p. 100) and entered into force on 7 April 1948 
World Health Organization :: WHO 
World Health Organization 
Geneva, Switzerland 
Constitution of the World Health Organization 
• ISA-Lead (2013 Final Project Page)
          1st Draft
          2nd Draft
          3rd Draft
     Health Effects
• ISA - Lead (2024 Final Project Page)
     Included in External Review Draft
          Appendix 3 (Nervous System Effects)
     Included in Final Draft
          Appendix 3 (Nervous System Effects)
• ISA-NOx (2016)
          1st Draft
          2nd Draft
          Final Cited
     Cited in First ERD Nov2015
     Cited Second ERD Dec2016
     Cited in Final ISA Dec2017