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Journal Article 
[Problems raised by possible contamination foods by phthalates] 
Lederer, J 
Archives Belges de Médecine Sociale, Hygiène, Médecine du Travail et Médecine Légale
ISSN: 0003-9578 
The generalization of plastic packing in the distribution of foods has advantages but gives rise to a toxicologic risk. The principal advantage of this type of packing, especially in the supermarket, is the avoidance of microbe contamination, so very important for the meat. The principal risk is the migration not only of the residual monomere but also of the added substances to impart some peculiarity to the plastic. The very spread usage of phtalate as polyvinyl chloride plasticizer suscites problems. Some polyvinyl chloride sheets contain to 60 per 100 phtalate. It is necessary to analyse the risk proceeding from the phtalate utilization in the material for food packing. This is the purpose of this article. 
• BBP (Butyl benzyl phthalate)
     Literature Search
          LitSearch Dec 2012
     Secondary Literature
• Diethyl phthalate (DEP)
     Database searches
          Initial Litsearch
               Merged reference set
     Kept for further review
          Foreign Language
• Diisobutyl Phthalate (DIBP) Final
     Database Searches
          March 2014 Database Search
          September 2014 update
          June 2015 Update
          June 2016 Update
          January 2017 Update
     No Primary Data on Toxic Effects
          Exposure levels
• Phthalates – Targeted Search for Epidemiological Studies
     Source – all searches
     Source – no date limit through June 2013 (Private)